Special Interest Groups

EALTA has several active Special Interest Groups for EALTA members. The SIG memberships is free of charge. The members collaborate on topics of interest at individual or group level, face to face, via discussion list or other means.

The regular SIG meetings are during the Annual Conference, with program (presentations, discussion, work on site etc.) prepared by the convenor(s). There is a small fee for the conference SIG meeting. Some of the SIGs meet during the year.

How to Join SIGs

If you want to join the SIG mailing lists, go to My Membership login and follow the instructions given there. If you are not yet a member of EALTA, please see membership pages for details on how to join EALTA. Please be advised that Individual and Associate membership are free.

SIG SIG Details Convenor(s)
Common European Framework of Reference This EALTA SIG should be able to act as a catalyst that draws on and takes advantage of the many projects connected to the CEFR within the field of assessment and testing
Common European Framework of Reference details
Neus Figueras, University of Barcelona (nfiguera@xtec.cat)
Classroom-based Language Assessment This Special Interest Group will address issues to promote the notion of CBLA for the wide EALTA community and beyond, covering a range of topics that consider realities and prospects in the assessment world
Classroom-based Language Assessment details
Dina Tsagari, OsloMet University, Norway (dina.tsagari@oslomet.no)
Assessing Writing This group addresses teachers, academic researchers and practitioners who are involved or interested in teaching or assessing writing across different learner groups, assessment contexts and institutions.
Assessing Writing details
Sonja Zimmermann, g.a.s.t./TestDaF-Institut
Claudia Harsch, University of Bremen, Germany
Academic Purposes Special Interest Group for Language Testing and Assessment for Academic Purposes
Academic Purposes details
Olivia Joy-Rütti, University of Fribourg & St. Gallen University of Teacher Education
Assessing Speaking This SIG is multilingual as the assessment of speaking is not only limited to English as a Foreign language (EFL). Similar to the Assessing Writing SIG, this group also focuses on: rater behaviour, methods and issues of rater training and benchmarking spoken performances to guide models of rater training in various countries, contexts and institutions. Investigating approaches to linking the assessment of speaking to the CEFR are also high on the agenda.
Assessing Speaking details
Carol Spöttl, University of Innsbruck
(carol.spoettl@gmail.com or carol.spoettl@uibk.ac.at)
Signed Language Assessment Due to the (emerging) implementation of the CEFR for different signed languages, such as Irish Sign Language, German Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands, signed language assessment is becoming a very important issue within the community.
Signed Language Assessment details
Tobias Haug, University of Applied Sciences for Special Needs Education Zurich, Switzerland (tobias.haug@hfh.ch)

Maria Tagarelli De Monte,
Istituto Statale Sordi Di Roma and Università Degli Studi Internazionali
Di Roma

Migration The EALTA Special Interest Group on Migration provides a platform to present research, to debate emerging trends, and to discuss issues concerning language assessment in migration and integration contexts. We are an interdisciplinary group and we warmly invite researchers and practitioners who work in related and complementary fields.
Migration details
Laura Schildt, Ghent University, laura.schildt@ugent.be

Elana Shohamy, Tel Aviv University, elana@tauex.tau.ac.il

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) The aim of the SIG EDI is to provide a forum for discussion with the intention of sharing knowledge in the field, making practices more transparent and discussing present and future developments in eaquality, diversity and inclusion, with particular reference to:

  • special accommodations (such as changes to the test format or delivery to make the test accessible to test-takers with physical or invisible disabilities), and the promotion and sharing of relevant research, policies, processes, and resources;
  • and practices in test development, production and quality review, especially the mainstreaming of EDI thinking, (e.g. diversity and inclusion).

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) details

Richard Spiby Richard.Spiby@britishcouncil.org (British Council)

Gemma Bellhouse Gemma.Bellhouse@britishcouncil.org (British Council)

Multilingual language assessment The SIG on multilingual language assessment (MLA SIG) aims to provide a forum for sharing knowledge and research in the field of MLA, to make practices more transparent and to discuss current and future developments in this emerging field.
Multilingual language assessment details
Dr Eleni Meletiadou, London Metropolitan University
Prof. Karin Vogt, Heidelberg University of Education
Artificial Intelligence in Language Assessment The aim of the SIG is to provide a dedicated forum for discussing and sharing knowledge and practices in the use of AI in language testing and assessment. This SIG has its own website where the members and convenors started a digital library, media library, etc.
Artificial Intelligence in Language Assessment details
Convenor(s): Olena Rossi
olena.rossi@itemwriting.co (independent language assessment researcher)
Sha Liu
sliuacademic@gmail.com (British Council)