EALTA Membership

There are five levels membership categories

For individuals:

  • Individual membership
  • Associate membership
  • Expert membership

For institutions and organizations:

  • Institutional membership
  • Affiliate sister organization membership
  • Individual membership is intended for people working or living in Member States of the European Union or the Council of Europe. Members should have an interest and preferably an involvement in language testing and/or assessment.

    Individual membership is free of charge and entitles members to attend the Annual General Meeting and to vote on EALTA matters. Individual members are eligible for membership of the EALTA Executive Committee.

    To become an Individual Member please complete the online form.

  • Associate membership is open to anybody involved in language testing and assessment who is not otherwise eligible to join EALTA as an individual member. In other words, if you do not live or work in a member state of the European Union or the Council of Europe, you may still join EALTA as an associate member.

    Associate membership is free of charge and entitles members to attend the EALTA conferences and the Annual General Meeting with voting rights. However, they are not eligible for Membership of the EALTA Executive Committee.

    To become an Associate Member please fill the online form.

  • What is expected of Expert Members:

    vis-à-vis EALTA itself: Willingness to contribute actively to promoting EALTA’s mission/goals, subject to there being no schedule or other difficulties, by, for example:

    • active and collegial sharing of expertise, e.g. by participating actively in email-discussion
    • writing a reference if requested by an EALTA Expert Member applicant
    • assessing conference proposals
    • proposing papers for the annual EALTA conferences
    • acting as trainer in EALTA workshops
    • providing advice for EALTA officials
    • proposing new initiatives for EALTA.

    vis-à-vis the broader audience: Willingness to provide expert advice/consultancy, subject to the terms being acceptable and that there being no schedule or other difficulties, for example:

    • to EALTA members or EALTA member institutions and EALTA officials when requested to do so
    • to examination/testing bodies, especially if they are associated with EALTA, subject to acceptable terms, time available and no conflict of interest
    • by presenting at seminars/conferences related to testing/assessment when requested by EALTA members
    • by advising European intergovernmental organisations on testing/assessment issues, if requested in the capacity of an EALTA Expert Member.

    The expert members application form and the description of their role can be downloaded and additional information can be obtained online or from the Chair of the Membership Committee, Slobodanka Dimova, at vogt@ph-heidelberg.de.

    Expert Members are entitled to be listed on the EALTA website, and to all other benefits of EALTA Individual Membership.

  • Institutional Membership is intended for European institutions or institutions with their branch office based in Europe engaged in language testing or assessment, related materials development, or teaching or research in language testing and / or assessment. Institutional Membership incurs a fee of 150 Euros per annum.

    Institutional Members are entitled to be listed on the EALTA website.

    Applications are considered by the EALTA Membership Committee. The Institutional Membership application form can be downloaded and additional information can be obtained from the Chair of the Membership Committee, Karin Vogt, at vogt@ph-heidelberg.de..

    List of institutional members

  • This membership category refers to associations in the field of language education and research, including language learning, language teaching and language assessment that wish to be affiliated with EALTA, in order to explore ways of cooperation, such as exchanging ideas and expertise, or organising joint events.

    Applications are considered by the EALTA Membership Committee. The application form can be downloaded and returned to, and additional information can be obtained from, the Chair of the Membership Committee, Slobodanka Dimova, at vogt@ph-heidelberg.de.

    List of affiliate sister organizations