EALTA Logo Policy

The Executive Committee of EALTA considers it essential that proper caution is exercised in using the EALTA logo. Only the Executive Committee is entitled, in its pursuit of EALTA’s mission, to use the logo in its own communications and publications.

The use of logo is permitted only within the organisation of EALTA events and activities such as SIG events, EALTA summer school, joint events etc.

Data protection

For each of the different membership types, EALTA collects data on your person and /or institution (you can see what data is collected by clicking on the different membership types).

The data are processed only for membership purposes, and we will only contact you for membership-related reasons, such as inviting you to the AGM.

EALTA will never share your data with third parties.

Your data are only retained as long as you are a member of EALTA.

By logging into your EALTA account, you can check what data you have submitted.

  • You have the right to have your data erased – this will constitute the end of your EALTA membership.
  • We regularly ask EALTA members to renew their membership- if you do not renew your membership when prompted, this means your membership ends and we will erase your data.
  • All data are stored on a secure server hosted by the University of Lancaster.
  • Data are handled by the EALTA secretary and the webservice liaison person at the University of Lancaster.