Individual Membership

Individual membership is free to eligible individuals, and entitles members to attend Annual General Meetings and to vote on EALTA matters and to a reduced fee for attendance at EALTA conferences.


Those eligible to join EALTA as individual members are people working or living in Member States of the European Union or the Council of Europe. Members should have an interest and preferably an involvement in language testing and/or assessment.

If you wish to join, please confirm your eligibility by selecting one of the countries from the list below, preferably the country in which you work. If neither your country of work nor residence appears in the list, you may wish to consider associate membership.

Fields marked * are required.

EALTA membership contact details

Select a country from the list below, preferably the country in which you work

Enter your full name as you would prefer it to be written, eg. John Smith, Mr John Smith, Professor John Smith etc.

Enter your last name, eg. Smith, Martinez, Singh, etc.

Enter your contact address

Enter your email address. Changing your email address will also change the address at which you receive your discussion list subscriptions.

Re-enter the email address

Re-enter your password

Enter your telephone number

Enter your Fax number

Please confirm that you have read and accept the terms and conditions