19th EALTA conference – 16-18 June 2023, Helsinki

Sustainable Language Assessment: Improving Educational Opportunities at the Individual, Local, and Global level

Full conference program (PDF)

Main Conference


Jamie Schissel: A language ecology lens for examining participatory action research in language assessment: Understanding inclusion, equity, and sustainability.

Ari Huhta: Fairness in language assessment: Why do the purpose and context of assessment matter?


Multilingualism, policy, assessment practice, policy and implementation
Speakers: Elana Shohamy, Anna Gani, Mina Patel, Lorenzo Rocca & Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen Discussant: Barry O’Sullivan

Presentations from the main conference

Title Presenter

Pre-Conference workshops

Title Workshop leader
EBB Rating Scale Development Bootcamp Beverly Baker & Heike Neumann
Examining the Dimensionality of the Language Tests Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis in R Statistical Software Gholam Hassan Khajavy
Using Sequential – Categorial Analysis to assess interactional competence David Wei Dai

SIG Meetings


CEFR SIG program

 Aligning language education with the CEFR

Title Presenter
Adapting the CEFR for the Cuban Higher Education context Claudia Harsch (University of Bremen)
Aligning teaching materials and assessments in a global teaching programme to the CEFR Carolyn Westbrook (The British Council)
The end of an era? Paraskevi (Voula) Kanistra (Trinity College London)

The CEFR in professional development

Title Presenter
CEFR-focused Action Research—the optimal way for professional development Noriko Nagai and Gabriela Schmidt (Ibaraki University and Nihon University, Japan)
CEFR Journal – Research and Practice. Report Gabriella Schmidt (Nihon University, Japan)
The Role of the CEFR in Supporting Sustainable Learning, Teaching and Assessment Practices in a Digital World with ChatGPT Kathryn Brennan (EAP Tutor at INTO Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Localising (and improving) CEFR descriptors

Title Presenter
Reference Level Description for the Estonian Language Jelena Kallas (Institute of the Estonian Language)
Adapting the CEFR for sign languages Martina Hulešová (Charles University, Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies)
Making the CV descriptors more user-friendly: the role of Learner Corpus Research Maria Belén Diez Bedmar and Neus Figueras (Universidad de Jaén – Universidad de Barcelona)


EDI SIG Program

Title Presenter
Reflections on capturing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion data Lottie Harrison, Kasia Wojciechowska
(Pearson Education)
An investigation into extended time use in listening tasks Carla Pastorino, Amy Devine, Louise Gilbert
(Cambridge University Press and Assessment)
Challenges testing children’s receptive skills within a universal design framework Eli Moe (University of Bergen)
Workshop and discussion: Approaches to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in test construction Gemma Bellhouse (British Council)


MLA SIG Program

Title Presenter
Polar ice is melted by not only air temperature but also sea temperature.”: Content and language integrated classroom assessment in a soft CLIL context Dmitri Leontev, Tarja Nikula-Jäntti (University of Jyväskylä), Marc de Boer (University of Akita)
A case study on contrastive grammar for multilingual teaching and assessment Francesca Favino (University of Padua)

Unlocking the potential of digital gaming CLIL to facilitate adaptation and inclusion for refugee and migrant secondary school students in the post-Covid-19 era: A European multiple case study

Eleni Meletiadou (London Metropolitan University)