16th EALTA conference – Transitions in Language Assessment
31 May – 2 June 2019
Full conference programme (PDF)
Pre-Conference Workshops
Many Facet Rasch Measurement: a practical guide using FACETS
Nahal Khabbazbashi & Tony Green
IRT Analyses Using the Statistical Software R
Steffen Brandt
Assessing speaking: Developing and Applying Rating Scales
Kathrin Eberharter, Nivja de Jong, Jayanti Banerjee & Carol Spöttl
SIG Meetings
Classroom based Assessment
SIG Programme
Karin Vogt & Dina Tsagari ‘The role of language assessment literacy in consequential validity‘
Lucilla Lopriore & Dina Tsagari ‘ENRICH: Assessment Practices’
Henrik Bøhn & Dina Tsagari ‘Teachers’ and Teacher Educators’ Language Assessment Literacy in Norway’
Asma Maaoui, Amel Jarraya, and Hanen Dammak ‘The Washback Effect of the High-Stakes English Baccalaureate Exam in Tunisia: Test Preparation Beliefs and Practices’
Stavroula Tsiplakou & Dina Tsagari ‘The case of the Greek National Language Test for university admission’
Olga Kvasova ‘Training university teachers in developing and implementing rating scales to assess L2 writing’
Trisevgeni Liontou ‘Digital tools for formative assessment in the L2 classroom: an exploratory approach using PEARSON English Benchmark’
SIG Programme
Marion Coderch (Durham University) UNILANG: using the CEFR to express language learning outcomes in UK and Irish higher education
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Anthony Green & Chihiro Inoue (CRELLA, University of Bedforshire) Adapting linking procedures and involving stakeholders in relating a teaching programme to the CEFR
Olga Ukrayinska (Kyiv National Linguistic University) Familiarization of English and French student teachers with Council of Europe recommendations for developing their language assessment literacy (Ukrainian context)
Eli Moe and Signe Wiger (Skills Norway) Using the CEFR to determine language levels necessary for subject learning
Morten Hunke (g.a.s.t. | TestDaF-Institut) will be presenting a new international Journal edited by the JALT CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG, which focuses on the CEFR Practice and Research.
Charalambos Kollias (Oxford University Press) will be highlighting the need to update current CEFR-related resources to incorporate Rasch by addressing the benefits, the challenges, and the ellipsis in using the CEFR CV.
Elaine Boyd (University College, London) will be discussing the possible impact of the new mediation descriptors in the academic domain and whether these descriptors are likely to alleviate concerns about the dominance of academic English in research papers.
Assessment for Academic Purposes & Writing
Minimum standards and quality assurance in university language testing: harmonising assessment practices within the NULTE network
(Network of University Language Testers in Europe)
Assessing academic English with a localised test for international admissions purposes
Zoltán Lukácsi –Borbála Fűköh
Migration and Integration
MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION Special Interest Group talks
Main Conference
Transitions in language assessment: Topics en vogue, in the doghouse, inert despite lip service, and back from the dead Talia Isaacs
Computational linguistic analysis, assessment, and language development: Considering language and task Detmar Meurers
Flexibility and utility in assessment and validation Michael T. Kane
Symposium: Validity Models in Transition –
Michael T. Kane,
Talia Isaacs,
Detmar Meurers,
Barry O’Sullivan,
Claudia Harsch,
Constant Leung
Assessing Teacher Discourse in a Spoken English Proficiency Test
Odette Vassallo, Daniel Xerri& Larissa Jonk
An investigation into assessing the pragmatic competence of ESL learners at B2-C2 levels
Edit Willcox-Ficzere
Assessment of L2 English oral proficiency –didactic transpositions from policy documents to operationalization
Presentation EALTA19 –Liliann Byman Frisén
Automated assessment of fluency and pronunciation in spontaneous speech: Implications for automated speech scoring
Ching-Ni Hsieh
CEFR practices and technology-based language assessment in higher education
Karen Ní Chlochasaigh and Tj Ó Ceallaigh
English testing for skilled migration in Australia: The “power” of test takers in shaping constructs and consequences
Kellie Frost, Jason Fan, Tim McNamara
Change in policy – change in practice?
Doreen Spiteri
Comparing Writing Skills in Different Languages Using the Same Scale
Louise Courtney
Diagnostic-Dynamic Assessment:
Conceptual and practical innovation in foreign language assessment
Matthew E. Poehner,
Ari Huhta,
Dmitri Leontjev
Double play listening assessment: towards increased authenticity
Franz Holzknecht
From language class to higher education: assessing refugees in transition
Anika Müller Karabil, Claudia Harsch, Henning Vahlenkamp
Instruments to Evaluate the Development of Intercultural Competence
Ma. Leticia Temoltzin
International students enter German university: An empirical study of language proficiency and academic success
Katrin Wisniewski, Jupp Möhring, Wolfgang Lenhard & Jennifer Seeger
Investigating test method effects in French L2 reading items for young learners
Peter LENZ Katharina KARGES Malgorzata BARRAS
Language learning outcomes at the end of basic education and upper secondary education in Finland
Raili Hilden, Juhani Rautopuro
Online Diagnostic Testing for Secondary School Students -an International Trial
Tony Clark,
Heidi Endres
Reading in a new technology environment: Are reading assessments still in the ballpark?
Reichert, Monique ,
Krämer, Charlotte,
Wollschläger, Rachel
Technology Assisted Scoring of Short Answer Items for Listening Comprehension : A Clustering Approach
Leska Schwarz, Christian Gold
Re-examining the validation of a holistic speaking scale: the (non-) applicability of pronunciation descriptors.
Philip Horne
The impact of EPLIS on aviation english teachers
Paula Ribeiro e Souza
Use of feedback practices at language classes in Finnish upper secondary schools
Toni Mäkipää
Assessing fluency construct from a second language acquisition perspective: the case of teep speaking tests
John Slaght
Poster Sessions
A comparative study of in-service language teachers’ beliefs on
Dina Tsagari and Karin Vogt
Scientific conference: an authentic
environment to assess medical
students’ English communication
Eva Braidwood and Magdalini Liontou
From traditional to online:
Standardisation trainings for oral
examiners of different languages
Zoltán Kiszely
Classroom-based Assessment of Oral
Mediation: Challenges and
Olga Lankina and Yulia Pets
Reading for success: investigating
readers’ cognitive processes in
Austrian EFL reading tests
Klaus Siller and Andrea Kulmhofer-Bommer
Language Assessment Literacy: Saudi Context
Arwa Alyami and
Dr. Rosario Hernandez